17 Mar 2022

The VPS Group continues fight against climate change expanding its range of sustainable low-carbon CCTV security options. Once the vac­ci­na­tion pro­gramme starts to help over­come the pan­dem­ic, combatting cli­mate cat­a­stro­phe and its irre­versible changes to the earth­’s cli­mate sys­tems will remain the great­est glob­al priority.

VPS has been devel­op­ing and pilot­ing more diverse options to pow­er their CCTV Smart Tow­er range, used wide­ly in the hos­pi­tal­i­ty, retail and high­ways sec­tors where inde­pen­dent­ly pow­ered secu­ri­ty cameras are most need­ed. They deploy UK and Europe’s largest stock of CCTV Smart Tow­ers with thousands of cam­eras in operation.