Geutebruck’s VehicleAccessManager is an ANPR-based software package for managing and documenting vehicle movements on company property. Designed for integration with Geutebruck NVR systems, it is useful for achieving the necessary security standard required by the international regulations covering secure supply chains and for aiding and improving operational processes. It also provides a wealth of information in the form of reports and lists which can be valuable for other purposes.
When a vehicle arrives at a site entrance, images of the full scene and of the driver are automatically displayed at the control desk. The system’s list of access permissions determines the terms of access. This list can be edited by any anyone anywhere on the system with the appropriate authorisation and can contain the details of vehicles, service providers, drivers, contact data and orders. You can also add advanced authorisations involving time zones, limited durations or enter special instructions for the driver and have these automatically displayed on the screen to aid logistical processes at the barrier.