7 Apr 2009

655 use ‘Control Center’, IndigoVision’s IP Video and alarm management software for monitoring all the sites
655's Remote Video Response Centre and ARC
IndigoVision, the leading manufacturer of IP video security solutions has partnered with 655 Limited to provide its UK customers with a remote video monitoring facility. 655's purpose built facility is both a BS 5979 approved Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) and a BS 8418 approved Remote Video Response Centre.

655 monitor a number of different IndigoVision sites, including schools, logistics operations and National Trust's Chiswick House. Video is streamed from each site via standard ADSL business broadband links. This is considerably more cost effective and reliable compared to remotely monitoring traditional analogue / DVR systems that use expensive ISDN links. IndigoVision's class-leading compression technology ensures that minimum bandwidth is required to transmit high-quality video from each site to the monitoring centre. To further aid remote transmission, IndigoVision's system allows each camera feed to be dual-streamed. For example, video with maximum framerate and resolution could be viewed and recorded locally, with a second lower framerate stream transmitted to the remote centre. This low bandwidth requirement also ensures low latency, which means 655 can smoothly control PTZ cameras at any site.

655 use ‘Control Center', IndigoVision's IP Video and alarm management software for monitoring all the sites. As far as each individual site is concerned, 655's ‘Control Center' workstation is just like any other on their network, viewing live and recorded video from any camera. This can only be achieved because IndigoVision's architecture is truly distributed, unlike some IP-based CCTV systems that have a centralised architecture.

IndigoVision's solution allows real time analytics, such as motion detection and virtual tripwires, to be run in cameras at the network edge. This can be used to trigger alarms in ‘Control Center' when an intrusion is detected. When an alarm is raised, 655's ‘Control Center' workstation will automatically display the associated camera feed and allow the operators to quickly review the incident. If necessary they can view other cameras around the site or review recorded video anytime before the alarm was raised. 655 can then contact the police or key holder if necessary. Pete Johnson, IT Manager, at Parklands School, recalls how 655's remote monitoring of their IndigoVision system help prevent a serious break-in.

 As far as each individual site is concerned, 655's ‘Control Center' workstation is just like any other on their network, viewing live and recorded video from any camera

"At around 4.00am in the morning two intruders were picked up on the CCTV entering the Infants School by the rear gate. The alarm was raised and 655 called the police. Before the police arrived the intruders forced a window, entered the school and removed PC equipment. The police later apprehended one of the criminals and their car and the equipment was recovered after the CCTV footage revealed that it was dumped shortly after they left the grounds. After the incident we exported high-quality video clips from the IndigoVision system onto CD as evidence for the police. This incident proves that well configured and managed remote monitoring is an extremely useful tool that ultimately saved our school considerable hassle and cost."

IndigoVision's open architecture allows tight integration with other security systems such as access control, intruder detection and perimeter protection. Events from any of these systems can also trigger alarms in ‘Control Center' which again can be monitored remotely, providing 655 with a very powerful tool for monitoring any aspect of a site's security.