2 Apr 2009

 Michal Haas, Managing Director of Videor E. Hartig GmbH
New distribution partnership presents Videor with a great opportunity to provide installers with newest Samsung Techwin products
Samsung Techwin, one of the world's fastest growing professional security brands and Videor, a distributor with a well earned reputation for offering its customers the highest possible service levels, have formally agreed the terms of a distribution partnership.

From 1st April, 2009, Videor customers throughout EMEA will have access to the entire range of Samsung Techwin's professional security products. Commenting on the agreement, Michal Haas, Managing Director of Videor E. Hartig GmbH said: "We are delighted to be able to include Samsung Techwin's matured products in our portfolio. The new distribution partnership presents us with a great opportunity to provide installers with newest products from a further leading supplier: Samsung Techwin products incorporate some innovative technology which will enable installers to offer highly effective security solutions. By offering in combination with competent advice and other value-added services, Videor is a specialist in providing intelligent video surveillance products for a variety of applications."

In advance of the official commencement of the distribution partnership, Samsung Techwin have been conducting comprehensive product training programmes for Videor's sales and technical support teams.

Mr. Jake Kim, Managing Director of Samsung Techwin's professional security division said: "I am confident that this distribution partnership will be very successful. Videor's commitment to achieving excellence in everything it does for its customers, typified by the

 Mr. Jake Kim, Managing Director of Samsung Techwin’s professional security division
Samsung Techwin have been conducting comprehensive product training programmes for Videor's sales and technical support teams
investment it has made in its TechCentre, matches our passion for delivering high performance products equipped with features and functions that can truly add value to security systems."

Over the next few months, Samsung Techwin will be launching a host of new products incorporating innovative new core technologies such as third generation SSNR (Samsung Super Noise Reduction) and two technically advanced camera chip sets, W-5 and SV-5, unique to Samsung Techwin cameras and domes. "We are very much looking forward to introducing these exciting new products to our customer base. They will further enhance the strength of Samsung Techwin brand which is already well supported by an extensive range of high quality  products," added Michal Haas.