16 Jan 2009
 Pelco donates 70,783 toys to Toys for Tots
Pelco employees raise money throughout the year with dozens of activities such as bake sales, raffles, voluntary payroll deductions, and solicitations from suppliers

Employees of video and security systems manufacturer, Pelco, presented 70,783 Toys for Tots to the U.S. Marine Corps on December 24, during a fun-filled ceremony at the company's Clovis, California, headquarters. The company's cumulative contribution since 1993 has exceeded more than one million toys.  

The festive occasion included the presentation of a toy representing the overall donation to members of the U.S. Marine Corps, live music and the singing of the national anthem by Pelco employee Lorraine Christiansen. Hundreds of Pelco staff attended the campus event.
"During these harsh economic times, Pelco is proud that its employees have continued their commitment to Toy for Tots and to bringing Christmas to thousands of Central Valley children in need,"
said Pelco President and CEO, Dean Meyer. 

Toys for Tots has grown steadily since 1993's modest donation of 808 toys to become Pelco's "flagship" charity; with the company matching one-for-one the number of toys donated by employees. Employees raise money throughout the year with dozens of activities such as bake sales, raffles, voluntary payroll deductions, and solicitations from suppliers and customers. This fundraising efforts this year also included the first-ever Toys for Tots Fun Run.

Pelco is the world's largest manufacturer of video security systems and Central California's largest manufacturing employer. The company's products protect people and property in more than a million locations around the globe.